To Russia, Sprockets for Hitachi EX30 and Mitsubishi MM30 and Bobcat E16 and Komatsu PC50 and Kobelco SK75 Loaded

Today marks a milestone as our Chinese excavator spare parts factory successfully dispatched a shipment of sprockets to Russia, encompassing renowned brands such as Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Bobcat, Komatsu, and Kobelco.

These diverse brands stand as pillars in the excavator industry, each known for its distinct engineering prowess and excellence. Our factory takes immense pride in supplying top-tier sprockets tailored for these eminent brands, ensuring precision and durability.

This shipment epitomizes our commitment to catering to a wide spectrum of excavator manufacturers. We aim to uphold the exceptional standards associated with Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Bobcat, Komatsu, and Kobelco, supporting their machinery’s robustness and efficiency in the Russian construction domain.

Fulian Operation Team


Notice: Published shipping news is just part of all shipping news. Most news stay between client and us for privacy.


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